It’s About You And
Your Future
Practice Areas
- Family Law
- 3 financial mistakes to steer clear of during divorce
- Acting in loco parentis
- Addiction Issues And Custody
- Agreements in Family Law
- Alimony vs. APL
- Appealing a Divorce Master’s Decision
- Appealing a Support Order
- Changing Vital Records and Other Documents to Align with Gender Identity
- Child Custody
- Child Support
- Child Support in Termination of Parental Rights and Adoption Cases
- Child Support in Termination of Parental Rights and Adoption Cases
- Collecting Support from out of state parent
- Common Custody Terms
- Contempt – Divorce and Custody
- Complying with Custody Orders During COVID-19 Pandemic
- Counseling in Custody Actions
- COVID Related Custody Schedule Family Custody
- Co-Parenting Counseling
- Criminal Records and Custody
- Custody Evaluations
- Death of a Parent in Custody Cases
- Divorce
- Alimony
- Alimony Pendente Lite/Spousal Support
- Can I Still Get a Divorce if my spouse Won’t Sign Off on It?
- Discovery in Divorce Proceedings
- Divorce FAQ
- Divorce When Spouse Can’t Be Located
- Do I need to allege a “fault ground” to obtain a divorce?
- Equitable Distribution
- Retirement Assets
- What is Marital Property?
- Divorce and Beneficiary Designations
- Divorce Basics
- Divorce for Victims of Abuse
- Divorce in the age of social media: What spouses should know
- Does the Court Decide on Child Support or Divorce at the Same Time as Custody?
- Double Dipping
- Emergency Custody
- Enforcing Marital Settlement Agreements
- Evidence In Custody Cases
- Filing an Emergency Petition
- Five tips for talking to Pennsylvania kids about divorce
- Grandparent Custodial Rights in Pennsylvania Since Recent PA Supreme Court Ruling
- Guardian Ad Litem’s Role in Custody Cases
- Guardianship
- High Conflict Custody Cases
- How Can What I Share Online Impact My Custody or Divorce Case?
- How Could My Criminal Record Impact My Custody Case?
- How Will the Court Address Concerns that a Parent is Unfit?
- If I Disagree with the Judge’s Decision in My Custody Case, Can I Appeal?
- In Loco Parentis
- Is it Illegal to Record a Conversation Without Consent?
- Legal Custody v. Physical Custody
- Marital Settlement Agreements
- Mediation and Divorce
- Mental Health and Custody
- Parenting Coordination
- Pennsylvania child custody: the basics
- Pennsylvanians now don’t need to wait as long for divorce
- Prenuptial/Postnuptial Agreements
- Protection From Abuse (PFA)
- Qualified Domestic Relations Orders (QDRO)
- Relocation and Custody
- Relocation of a Parent
- Rental Value of Marital Residence
- Requesting a Continuance
- Requesting a New Judge
- Retirement Account Distribution in Divorce
- Retirement Assets
- Reunification Counseling
- Requesting Marriage Counseling in Divorce Proceedings
- Risk of Harm (5329) Evaluation
- School Attendance for Children of Separated Parents
- Service of Process
- Spousal Support vs. Alimony Pendente Lite
- Step-parent Adoption
- Surrogacy and Custody in Pennsylvania
- Tips to Lessen Financial Burden
- Vacating or Reopening a Divorce Family
- Voluntary Termination of Parental Rights Family Custody and Adoption
- What Counts as Income in Support Proceedings?
- What Factors Will the Court Consider in Deciding a Custody Case?
- What is a Guardian ad Litem?
- What is the Basic Process to Sue for Custody of a Child?
- What to Expect: Telephonic and Video Hearings During the COVID-19 Crisis
- What Types of Evaluations May Be Done in a Custody Case?
- Who May Sue for Custody of a Child?
- Immigration
- Acquisition of U.S. Citizenship at Birth or by Adoption
- Acquisition of United States Citizenship at Birth
- Acquisition of US Citizenship through Adoption
- ADIT Stamps
- Administrative Closure
- Affidavit of Support
- Afghanistan Designated for Temporary Protected Status
- Appealing a Denial
- Asylum EAD Clock
- BIA Appeals
- Bond Hearing in Immigration Court
- Bond in Removal Proceedings Immigration Removal Proceedings
- Burma (Myanmar) Designated for Temporary Protected Status
- Cameroon Designated for Temporary Protected Status
- Cancellation of Removal
- Changing Address with Immigration
- Citizenship and Naturalization
- Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude
- Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude
- DACA Overview
- Decoding the Visa Bulletin
- Defective NTAs
- Deferred Action For Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
- Diversity Visas (Visa Lottery)
- EB-5 Investor Visa
- Exemptions to the English and Civics Test for Naturalization
- Expedited Removal
- Family Based Immigration
- Fiancé Visas
- Green Card
- Hearing Types
- How does your criminal history affect the naturalization application?
- How to Obtain an ITIN for Tax Filing in the US
- Humanitarian Parole
- H2A is a Resource for Temporary Workers
- H-2B is a Resource for Temporary Non-Agricultural Workers
- I-212 Waivers
- J-1 Visa Waivers
- J-1 Visas
- K-3 Visas
- L Visas Immigration Employment Based immigration and Visas
- Loss of United States Citizenship
- M Visas for Vocational or Nonacademic Programs
- NAFTA Professionals and TN Visas
- Naturalization And Citizenship
- Navigating Inadmissibility
- Notice of Intent to Deny (“NOID”)
- Notice to Appear
- Q Visas Immigration Student/Minor
- Removal Defenses
- Removal Proceedings
- Replacing a Green Card After Age 14
- Responding to Requests for Evidence
- Somalia Designated for Temporary Protected Status
- South Sudan Designated for Temporary Protected Status
- Student/Minor
- The Child Citizenship Act of 2000
- The impact of Naturalization on pending immediate relative case for your children
- The Notice to Appear
- Travel Document for Green Card Applicants Immigration Family Based Immigration and Green Cards
- Travel Permit: International Travel While Awaiting Immigration Benefits
- Ukraine Designated for Temporary Protected Status
- Uniting for Ukraine: Parole for Ukrainians
- USCIS Expedite Request
- USCIS Ombudsman
- Venezuela Designated for Temporary Protected Status
- Victims of Abuse
- Visas
- Voluntary Departure
- Waivers – Inadmissibility
- Waivers – Unlawful Presence
- What Effect Will the New Trump Administration Have on my Immigration Case?
- What Effect Will the New Trump Administration Have on my Immigration Case?
- What Lawful Permanent Residents Need to Know About Voting